Importing your traffic data into LiveCrew lets you see what percentage of your traffic is covered by LiveCrew feedback. It’s also a good way to set targets for stores, like covering 20% of the traffic, and to compare stores based on an objective metric.
You can import your traffic into LiveCrew using an Excel file (recommended if you have many stores to encode) or encore it manually. We’ll cover both methods in this documentation page.
Import via an Excel file
Go to Settings > Traffic and use the Download Template button. The template file lists all your stores with one column for each day of the past 7 days. Fill it in and then click on the Import Traffic button to upload your data. That’s it! You can verify if your data has been imported correctly by checking the table that appears on the same page.
<aside> 👉 If you want to add days other than those in the template, you can manually add columns. Just make sure to follow the date format from the template.
Manual encoding
Go to Settings > Traffic. There, you'll see a table with all your stores and one column per day. Click in a cell and simply type the traffic for that day.
<aside> 👉 You can navigate between past and future weeks using the arrows at the top of the table.